Radical Foodways
When I say radical, I mean radical in the sense of boldly deviating from and questioning the norm. And radical in the sense of the word’s lesser known meaning as ‘of, relating to, or proceeding from a root’
Charlie Claire Buregess, Radical Tarot

Radical Foodways acknowledges that nourishment and healthcare is a right and must be accessible to everyone regardless of culture, nationality, ethnicity, sexual identity, gender, economic class, age, abilities, immigration or carceral status.
Radical Foodways acknowledges that nourishment and healthcare are inextricably linked to the health of ecosystems, people’s relationship with the land, and the liberation of those people — free from occupation and state violence.

Radical Foodways is community care driven, with minimal harm to communities of land and people.
It is committed to:
• long-term social change
• Indigenous precedents of conscious cultivation incorporating ethical wildcrafting, reciprocity with the soil, and sustainable harvesting
• prefiguration that centres self-care as community care, mutual aid, and collective responsibility for cultivating our well being and inspiring our becoming-with
• the need for sustainable freedom from our dependence on extractive systems, individuals, and institutions that exploit, neglect and degrade us physically, emotionally, socially, and financially.
This means recognising harm caused by states and capitalism and the need for creative and radical alternatives.

Savage Craic’s commitment to sharing the prefigurative impact of radical lifeways, through fermentation, herbalism, advocacy and activism is rooted in these lessons.
Text adapted from the writings of Claudia Manchanda in Amaia Dadachanji's Wild Apothecary: Reclaiming Plant Medicine for All