About Us
“it is not about becoming, it is about becoming-with.”
Donna Haraway
Savage Craic is a living partnership between llewyn máire (they/she/ki), Dr. Lisa Newman (she/they), local artists/ makers, learners, and an eclectic family of plantcestors, microbial mates, and fungikin— fermenting lifeways in the Irish Republic.

We are an anarcho queer venture that engages in land-based prefigurative skill share and collective care through workshops, events, radical remedies and seasonal ferments.
Savage Craic is in the process of becoming a nonprofit social enterprise and is seeking land to steward towards the development of an artist residency, radical food forest, community kitchen, and generative studio.

Fermentation transforms and inspires, making for delicious ways to engage with our food and each other.
This venture is motivated by our love for gathering together and breaking bread, making art, sharing stories, prefiguring our futures, and building care networks.
We’re fueled by our passion and commitment to embracing and cultivating change.
We are each microbial stewards, eco-celebrants, agents of community care, spiraling ever forward in this dance of life, our goal is to do so with ever growing purpose, to create positive relationships and aid in the cultivation of a future for us all.

We were sharing foods with new friends when a comrade from Ennis referred to my pickled plate as being some “savage craic”, which felt like an induction to something very old, a birthing of something new — and a welcome home.
llewyn máire